Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Good news for Yogi's

SO the website Calorie Count (see the sidebar) says today that people who practice yoga are more mindful eaters and have a lower BMI than those who do not practice (I am assuming that this does not apply if you practice drinking YooHoo while practicing Yoga...I'm just saying). This is great news because I have been doing yoga for years so I shutter to think about what a B.F.B. I'd have had I NOT been doing my yoga. However, in a separate article it states that while you burn about 170 calories from yoga, you can burn around 250 while doing Pilates (which is greek for PAIN). Personally, I'm sticking with the yoga (sans YooHoo). How about you? What's your favorite form of exercise (and no lifting the clicker does not count.)

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