Friday, February 12, 2010

A great website that we used in bootcamp: It's a great tool to track your eating, count calories, exercise, etc. If nothing else, I use it for awareness -- it's shocking how fast I can rip through 2000 calories before noontime! It seems tedious at first, but once you get the hang of it, it's not so bad. Mostly EVERYTHING you can think of eating, brand name and all, has already been entered into the website by other users, so making your entries is easy. (Yes, Michelle, even YooHoos are already in there -meaning someone, somewhere else on this planet incorporates them into their diet as well). In fact, I believe that I, personally, am responsible for originating all entires beginning with the words "Dunkin" and "Donuts". If you eat anything less mainstream or totally off the beaten path of most dieters, you just need to enter all the nutritional information manually, but only once.
Have fun! Oh, and love the new FiberOne 90 calorie bars. Satisfies the chocolate craving, and 5 grams of fiber.

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