Friday, February 26, 2010


lost nothing - gain nothing - doing - nothing. How do you stay motivated when trying to lose weight? I've done some research and come up with the following jewels of wisdom from WebMD for staying on track...
Diet Motivation Tip 1: Set Realistic Goals for Diet Success ....not 30 lbs in 30 days. Staying true to what we CAN do helps us stay focused on the fact that we can ACTUALLY do this!
Diet Motivation Tip 2: Go Slow 1 to 2 lbs a week is what we are shooting for!
Diet Motivation Tip 3: Expect Setbacks - this is a big one for me - I figure I've already screwed up - what's the point! WRONG ANSWER!
Diet Motivation Tip 4: Don't Be a Perfectionist same concept!
Diet Motivation Tip 5: Use the Buddy System - hello! what are we here for!
Diet Motivation Tip 6: Be Patient Rome was not built in a day - and neither was your B.F.B.!!!
Diet Motivation Tip 7: Reward Yourself and no - not with Girl Scout cookies! How about a new pair of jeans - or a pedicure!
Diet Motivation Tip 8: Have a Maintenance Plan - this is hard for me to get excited about now - but what WILL we do when we are all at our goal weight - I mean other than going out for Italian!

See Ya'll on the skinny side!

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