Saturday, June 19, 2010

10 Worst Foods in your Fridge...from Web M.D. (kinda)

1. Mayo - beter options are salsa, mustard, or the low fat mayo versions out there - I find that the fat free is also taste free - but the reduced fat really isn't all that bad!

2. Alcoholic Beverages - well - duh.

3. Sodas - Water is naturally the best alternative. If you are a non- water drinker, try these, white, or black teas, skim milk, fruit waters.

4. Lunch meats - dang. Try fresh roasted (or roast your own) chicken, turkey, or beef. Look for nitrate free - bad stuff those nitrates.

5. Hot Dogs and Sausage - well, I would have called that under the lunch meat heading - but whatever. Although I personally would eat sausage morn,noon, and night if left to my own devices, take a look at the fat content. Ewh.

6. Whole milk products - One of my favorite things to do lately is to buy a 1/2 gallon of heavy cream from the local farmers market and whip it up with a bunch of sugar for our very own fresh whipped cream. The dairy is just up the road a bit and, over locally grown berries, makes for a very earth friendly dessert. And one that will make your bottom look like the earth as well. This stuff, while looking innocent enough, will make you eligible for your own zip code faster than you can say hot-diggity-dog.

7. Gormet Ice Cream - Ben and Jerry are totally nice guys from what I hear. But I bet they could lose a few lbs. There are alot of very nice, lighter alternatives for frozen treats these days. Happy exploring! :)

8. Creamy Salad Dressing - So there you are, sitting down, slowly chewing your lovely salad, congratulating yourself on your healthy choice, and WHAM! The calorie fairy lands smack dab in the middle of your lovely Cesear and unloads a whopping 154 bad boys, almost entirely FAT. Right there, in front of everyone. And that's if you only eat 2 tlbs. Me, I like to dip everything into dressing. Carrots, cucumbers, chicken drumsticks, you name it. Blue Cheese is my other love. Don't tell the hubby.

9. Stick butter or margarine - this is one of those things I've been thinking about alot lately. Pathetic, huh? Real butter? Margarine? If you just have to have your butter, make it whipped, easier to spread means you'll use less. Margarine? Opt for the lower saturated fat brands, with no trans fats.

10. Frozen potatoes - hash browns, french fries. A SMALL portion (and who actually eats a SMALL portion of fries, communists, that's who) of 3 ozs. equals about 10 grams of fat, a ton of sodium and saturated fat, and who needs that I ask ya!

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