Thursday, August 19, 2010

guiding our eating experience...

got this of Calorie Counter appropriate. Would love to share it with the food and nutrition people. Taken from an interview with Brian Wansink, PhD, Professor of Applied Economics and Management at Cornell University, Director of the Cornell Food and Brand Lab and best-selling author

I’ve heard you say, “We do a bad job of guiding the eater’s experience” towards healthy food. Please explain.

It’s true. The supermarkets are laid out to maximize exposure to what they want you to buy. We should be doing that with healthy food in the home. We should rearrange our snack cupboards to place the healthy foods front-and-center. Display them in attractive containers. Make junk food hard to get. (Soda? Sure. It’s downstairs in the cellar – warm.) It’s a case of out-of-sight, out-of-mind. Our research shows that intake increases when serving dishes are kept on the dinner table. A good tactic would be to keep the salad bowl on the dining table while leaving the other foods back in the kitchen.