Monday, November 29, 2010

just read a really inspirational article on Calorie Count...

...and I'm back on my diet as of today. I don't know about you, but I ate enough for three people over the holiday. I need to ask Dennis to stop snacking on bad stuff near me cause I have the motivation of a slug. I can't put the article on here cause it's quite long but it's called "Beaming with Confidence" on Calorie Count. i'm going to try to find a forum on there for 45 year old out shape Moms that need to lose 20 lbs. I'll let ya know! I will include her 5 tips...

10. What five tips do you have for other dieters?

Use measuring cups and smaller plates, bowls and eating utensils. I have really become aware of my portion sizes, and measuring cups are the best way for me to really know how much I'm eating. A smaller fork or spoon helps me eat slower, and clearing a smaller plate makes me feel more satisfied without eating as much.
Give yourself a bit of tough love and STOP making excuses! This is something I really embraced, because excuses are what caused me to put on 100 pounds of excess weight. Excuses only stand in the way of what you can achieve.
Find a workout you enjoy! If you are having a blast, then it doesn't feel like "exercise." Go biking with friends, play with the dog or go dancing! Whatever gets you moving. It is so much easier to stick with an exercise if you like doing it.
Don't beat yourself up if you mess up one day. In the grand scheme of things, one day doesn't mean much. One day of overeating or missing the gym will NOT cause the end of the world, and will not cause you to put all your weight back on. This is real life people, and no one is perfect! Take your oopsie day with a grain of salt and move on.
Cut out alcohol. This one was a big challenge for me, because let's face it, drinking is fun. I realized, however, that it isn't worth it. Alcohol is empty calories that alters your ability to control yourself. For me, this resulted in late night fast food binges and an upset stomach the next day. I am not saying stop drinking completely, but bring it down to a "once in a while" thing instead of say nightly or even weekly. I only drink 2-3 nights per month and can have a perfectly awesome time with no alcohol!