Friday, January 22, 2010

First Friday Fears!

Allrighty - today is the FIRST FRIDAY (insert scary music here)
I'll be weighing in this morning (did you know that your weight can fluctuate up to 2lbs a day?) My goal is to lose 16 lbs. by the end of April. What are your goals? What's the date on them? I'm using my Wii Fit to track progress - the Wii Fit plus is fun to (a $20 upgrade) but if you are using another system - share what it is so we can allllll start being big losers too!!!!


  1. Alright Michelle. Since you've completely dropped out of the Facebook arena, I have no place else to publically talk to (and about you) but this new blog, so here I am! :)
    Although I do qualify to be here seeing as I am neither a size 4, nor "skinny" (although I admit to being a bitch sometimes).
    First I must commend you for actually being awake at 5:30 a.m. (if that post is correct), and you should get a free 100 calories off just for that. Wishing you lots of success! And I'll be chiming in constantly with tips, advice and good old harrassment to help you reach your goals. Remember, I did something similar to this a little over a year ago. Fond, fond memories.
    Now drop and give me 20!

  2. O.M.G. Diane! You are an answer to a prayer!!! You're just the wahini that I've been praying for!!! I know that you did an awesome job when you made the decision to get more into shape. I know that you worked out alot - but do you have other tricks?

  3. Alright, I have not weighed in yet.... It would help if I had a scale to do it first... I will be starting at the gym again this week and will weigh in on Friday... If I can stop crying long enough to check in... lol
