Friday, January 29, 2010

Fun Friday! How ya' doin?

So I would first like to say a big thanks to Diane - if you don't know her she has done an incredible job getting back into shape after her baby (and through an incredibly difficult pregnancy where she could barely move). Her input is grounded on alot of personal experience and training - that we can all benefit from! You rock Diane!
THis week has been full of lots of ups and down for me - I can't believe how much my weight can change from day to day. The beginning of the week I was retaining more water than the Hoover Dam - so I'm not going to track my weight loss from the highest point in the week because you'll probably call me an ambulance! LOL! But I think it is safe to say that from last Friday to this Friday I've lost 2 lbs...which is respectable. I want to thank all of you because I really know that having to log in today had something to do with it - and I hope the same for you. I'm grateful to have friends on this journey!
I was excited yesterday because I found my THE ALTERNATIVE BAGEL on sale - one point in W.W., and they taste fine - 7 grams protein, lotsa fiber and just over 100 calories! Woo Hoo! Can't wait to hear how you all did!


  1. great job michelle!! well although I dont like to gauge my weight loss on the scale, cause it truly can trick you!! I according to the scale have lost 3lbs this week. I feel like my pants are falling off, and have started using belts again:) and things are fitting so much better! For those who dont know, im not doing a plan per say just have gone organic, no red meat or pork, and stick on the lower carb end of things but do enjoy my ezekial bread, flatout bread and pita chips!:D I just dont consume those FIRST nor all day:D I do enjoy however my atkins products, and weve just discovered a diabetic ice cream with 0 sugars called Clemmys Ice Cream at Publix, its delish!!! good luck all, love this site and all your awesome info!!

  2. Great job Les!!!! I have a passion for pasta - so I get the carb thing!!!

  3. Thanks:) oh yeah, im a total carbaholic myself! my weakness was and probably always will be sugars, mainly in the form of an abundance of cake, donuts & of course the checkout line candy bars....thankfully diabetes in ones life has a way of knocking some sense into you and showing you those things arent needed!!:) Thank goodness for low carb options, even pastas!!
