Sunday, January 31, 2010

And the winner is.....

that as a group we acknowledge that our mouths are cavernous holes that are never satisfied (although I'm sticking to my gravity therory). And it's true, while Diane is so right about the importance of moving our B.F.B.'s, it's going to take a whole lotta moving to work off a box of Crispy Creme's. My trainer (from years ago) informed me early on that weight loss is about 70% what you put in your mouth, which as a lazy old thing I found encouraging, but as a HUNGRY lazy old thing I found dissapointing. There really is no substitute for being concious of what we are putting in our mouths (except maybe being unconciously fed Crisy Creme's by a gaggle of smallish elves in the middle of the night without of knowledge - but that rarely happens in Florida). So what do we do about it? I'm no expert, as the scale reminds me on a regular basis, but keeping a food diary really does seem to work for me - because it's not the BOX of oreos that get me - it's the 3 oreos, and the 2 slices of pizza, and the couple of bites here and the chunk there - that make my ass eligible for it's own zip code. What's it for you? Hence, the newest poll - "WHY can't i keep my big mouth shut?" more than exist.

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