Saturday, February 6, 2010

Friday - the day after....

Well, I've been off abit this week - thought about writing "Ode to a Stomach Flu" but never really got it off the ground. Anyhow, was better physically and had lost 2 lbs this week but when I got on Wii FIt Plus this am seems that I've gained it allllll back last night somehow (damn the tempuri). So I told my son that I will not be discouraged and worked out - but I'm discouraged :( I do feel that working out has changed this distribution of weight though - I do feel stronger (THANK YOU DIANE!). Wonder how you guys are doing. I'm not getting the weekend off from dieting this week for sure!


  1. Just remember honey, muscle weighs more than fat!!! so the scale can be VERY deceptive! go by your clothes, and how you feel and it will all fall into place! sorry to hear you were sick:( no fun!

    My weigh in is up and down, I was down 3, then up 1, then down 4, so I guess I lost 3, but again I am just gauging how I feel and look:) Been trying to do more walking and may actually attempt the 3mile hike to the mall today, figure the break in between for a protein smoothing may help me get back home:D LOL! My big bad monkey has been my water intake, im sure if I got better with that I would be losing more but for now Im not going to hate...and you shouldnt either!! Just keep on the horse and allow yourself the occasional slip, because hey life happens!;) XOXOXO

  2. On another note, on the Michael Pollen Oprah episode it had the founder of Chipotle Grill and apparently they are an organic fast food restaurant!! So we hit them yesterday and yum yum!!! I didnt even feel like I was eating healthy, and the prices were really good! We also happened upon an organic frozen yogurt/smoothing joint called Sunni Bunni. Its just behind the either Mobile or Jiffy lube there off of 41 & BeeRidge! So good!!! Two yummy places to get fast food thats healthy:D
