Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snack Time

I don't know about you - but one of my greatest downfalls is snacking. When I'm hungry (and many times when I'm not) and come face to face with a potentially diet breaking situation, I have fallen prey to the call of the calorie one too many times. So, in order to help my fellow dieters to circumvent this inherent risk, I have combed the halls of Google in order to find the yummiest snacks that you can still respect yourself in the morning. And came up preety darn empty. Here are some of the lame ass suggestions out there: egg whites (I guess they just arn't for breakfast anymore); plain air-popped popcorn (that's what you eat when you drink decaf coffee - for no apparent reason); asparagus (I want to party with the cowboy who suggested that); and boiled spinach. Boiled spinach? That's a punishment - not a snack.

But, fearless explorer that I am, I forged ahead - while chomping on some Fritos for fortitude. Seven almonds are 49 calories; one cup of radishes are 19; one peeled cucumber 24 calories; or my personal favorite, seasoned seaweed at a whopping 15 (the only drawback being you smell like Spongebob if you fart).

So, I've decided to start my own darn list and add it to the side. If you have a personal favorite, and it does not involved liver, please let me know and we can add it to the list!

1 comment:

  1. Strawberries!! Cheese sticks, pistachios, sociables wheat crackers & cheese or hummus:) and when im on the go I LOVE chick fil a nuggets, now theyre not organic but omg so good and for 8 only 260 cals and 12g carbs (3sugars!).

    Something that has helped my snacking is remembering those fritos were dipped in something to keep them fresh that I cannot pronounce and do I REALLLY want to eat a chemistry project?!;p
