Friday, March 26, 2010

New Friday

Well - it's been 2 weeks since I've logged in - but IT'S Friday and I'm here. I've lost a WHOLE POUND - but we get what we focus on and I've totally not been focused on this obviously! Cindy and I had a great conversation the other day - and we are in. I know there are others out there I've spoken to who want to make some changes - we can do this together! I think we each need to set a specific goal with a time attached. I know that I would like to weigh 10 lbs. lighter by Jackie's birthday...that's May 6th (and the day before the school carnival that I'm chairing - my Heavenly Father bless my tortured soul). So that means in SIX weeks I need to lose 10 lbs. - so I think I'll set it for 2 lbs a week and expect little set backs occasionaly (like we are starting spring break for starters). Monc and I had a very interesting conversation about how we sometimes make unfortunate food choices out of I'm a big one for grabbing cheese and crackers or leftovers....cause I've skipped a meal and then I'm ready to eat one of the kids. So my committment to myself is to have stuff ready for a quick MEAL - I made some low fat homemade mousaka last night - boiled some eggs - and I'll keep bagged lettuce in the house. I'm also recommitted to my Slimmerty product because sometimes it's just that I'm still HUNGRY so I eat more than I should - I start out with a good meal - but then move onto other stuff after cause the caverous whole is not full...LET'S DO THIS THING LADIES!!!

1 comment:

  1. hey there.. you should see my blog I haven't been on it in like a year or 2!!!!
