Thursday, June 10, 2010

Summertime - Summertime

So here in Florida we are knee deep in summer. And bathing suits. and shorts. a little scary really.

So on that note, my lovely neighbor Kim and I have dedicated ourselves to walking every morning (she wants to walk in the afternoon too, but what the heck!). So with all that energy, I've decided (again!) to keep track of my weight and get 'er done already. The fact that I'm writing this in my kitchen while flipping blueberry pancakes is irrevelant.

So, I'm
1) back tracking what I'm eating
2) getting on Wii Fit at least 3 times a week to track progress
3) writing to my dear friends to see if they want to join me on my quest to our inner diva's....and thinner thighs.

I'm all in BABY!


  1. Im so used to hitting "like" on facebook I almost tried to do that here;) great job!! Mic and I are walking every morning also, but man cant imagine walking in the afternoon with the heat weve been having! Your welcome to join us anytime, we are usually here there and everywhere:D

  2. I'm hoping to work up to a walk/jog scenario...cause baby - that works!
