Tuesday, June 22, 2010

tried and true

So I'm back to my old stand by's

egg salad on weight watchers bread with fat free mayo, only fruit for snacks, lots to drink, small plates only need apply, and taking my Slimmerty before every meal so that I don't NEED to eat so much. Let the weight loss begin. Oh - and getting on Wii Fit EVERY morning and doing something - it may be working out there or taking that 2 mile hike with my buddy Kim. But I'm going for it baby! Let me know what you are doing and how it's working for ya! Xo

1 comment:

  1. I think Im going to need to reduce my carb intake again, I just cant seem to budge even with the exercise! Of course my dr thinks perhaps im not eating enough, which may be true as well, so back to the counting calories thang!! ugh:) cant wait to check out the park you suggested for our walks, thanks again!!! keep up the good work!
