Tuesday, July 27, 2010


So how do you like the new design? I've embedded subliminal images in it to make you skinnier. No, really. No, I can't tell you what they are - then they wouldn't be subliminal now would they? They would be SUPER liminal - and who the heck wants to be SUPER anything? (Which is not to say we shouldn't be SUPER at SOMETHING - just not super at anything!)

Which brings me to some of what I learned this weekend at a nutritional seminar. (If that seems like a stretch - think of SUPER SIZE ME) Wow - we really need to examine what we are eating. Sugar is poison. It's bad ju-ju baby. We can't be vigilant enough with what we put in our mouths and what we are breathing. It's getting crazy out there. I owe it to my kids to take the extra time to really prepare the most nutritious meals from great stuff, keep them up on a good organic supplement, and help them to make good choices when they aren't under my wing. They are all loving the health club - but that's not enough. We CAN'T eat enough healthy foods to support us against the enviromental toxins in the world. I'm glad I have ready access to good supplements so we can fight the good fight.

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