Thursday, September 9, 2010

6 questions to stop a binge in it's tracks...

Four Powerful Questions (From calorie

Question # 1: Do I want immediate gratification, or long term self-confidence?

Sometimes it’s easy to feel helpless when confronted with strong impulses to repeat self-destructive habits. The immediate relief of satisfying a compelling urge to overeat often clouds our better judgment. But, actually, you are not a victim to your past patterns. Tell yourself you have a choice, and at some point – perhaps today - that choice will confidently bring you just once step further towards your goal.

Question # 2: How do I want to feel one hour from now? One day from now? One year from now?

This question helps you to directly anticipate the results of choices you make. Do you want the next hour, day or week of your precious life to be contaminated with guilt and regret? Or do you want to honor your body and feel strong and confident? Whatever you decide, realize you are creating your future life with every decision you make today.

Question # 3: What would I do right now if I fully loved myself and my body?

This powerful question helps you link with your Future You. Act as if you are already someone who is healthy and fit. How does someone who totally loves his/her body act? Create the image in your mind of being that person. Now imagine how the Future You will handle this situation. Close the gap from where you are today and where you want to be.

Question # 4: What do I truly want?

It’s easy to forget what we truly want when weighed down by overwhelming feelings. But by reminding yourself of what you want, you link to your desire and desire coupled with positive expectation is a powerful, inspiring force. Remind yourself why you began this journey in the first place. Do I want to lose weight, or not? Do I want to be someone who feels helpless and defeated? Or do I want to be someone who is in charge of his/her body? Do I want to eat this when I’m really not hungry? Or do I want to stop and feel confident about having the life, and the body, that I want? Ask yourself right now, how committed am I to releasing excess weight from my body?