Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Post - New Year - New Diet???

So, inspired by 1) Watching Julie and Julia yesterday and deciding that a daily blog is a good thing for a number of reasons, regardless if anyone is listening or if there is a book deal on the other end 2) that I'm 15 lbs overweight and there is no sugar coating it 3) an acquaintance asked me last night at a New Year's party if I use to be thin (insert heavy sigh here)...

I AM BRUSHING OFF THE OLD M.B.F.B. and committing to a new goal of 15 lbs by March 5th....which might be a little extreme....but drastic times call for drastic measures. (I mean really - did I use to be thin?)

If you are out there and in, lemme know. If not, I'll be out here. Counting calories on, strangely, Calorie Counter, as my home page. Cutting on carbs and looking for ways to exercise at least 4 times a week. Weighing in on Fridays.

Wishing you, whoever and wherever you are, a Happy and skinny New Years!